On mechanical force generated by EF-G-catalyzed ribosome translocation

Ping Xie


The determination of the amplitude of the power stroke produced by the elongation factor G-catalyzed ribosome translocation is an important issue, having strong implications for the molecular mechanism of the translocation. A recent paper (Yao et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 14041 - 14044) tried to measure the amplitude of this power stroke. We show here that the explanation of the experimental data in the paper could be unreasonable and thus the amplitude of the power stroke determined there could be unreliable. We re-explain the experimental data and show that from these data the amplitude of the power stroke cannot be determined. Moreover, we give a different prediction of the amplitude of the power stroke.


riboosome; mechanical force; EF-G; translation


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Yao L, Li Y, Tsai T-W, Xu S & Wang Y 2013 Noninvasive measurement of the mechanical force generated by motor protein EF-G during ribosome translocation. Angew Chem Int Ed 52 14041-14044

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