Validation of the Stress in Children (SiC) Questionnaire in a Sample of Greek Pupils
Aim: The purpose of this study was to validate a Greek version of the Stress in Children (SiC) Questionnaire and assess its psychometric qualities in a Greek pediatric sample. Materials and Methods: Healthy children aged 8-12 years, attending schools of various areas of Attica, the largest region in Greece, were eligible to participate in the study. Data were collected from May 2016 until June 2017, anonymously, though three self-reported questionnaires, a simple demographic questionnaire, the SiC Questionnaire and the State and Trait Anxiety in Children Questionnaire. Results: Questionnaires were completed by 100 pupils (54 boys, 46 girls) aged (mean ± SD) 10.6 ± 1.26 years. A three-factor structure (“Distress”, “Presence of well-being”, and “Presence of social support”) accounted for 41.33% of variance. Reliability Cronbach's alpha of “Distress”, “Presence of well-being” and “Presence of social support” factors was equal to 0.75, 0.75 and 0.61, respectively. Regarding concurrent validity, positive correlations were found between “Distress” and both trait anxiety (rho=0.59, p<0.0001) and state anxiety (rho=0.61, p<0.0001). Correlations were also found between “Presence of Wellbeing” and age (rho=-0.24, p=0.019), state (rho=-0.36, p=0.006) and trait anxiety (rho=-0.45, p<0.0001). Conclusions: The Greek version of SiC Questionnaire demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties (content validity, internal reliability) that support its use in Greek children.
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