Impact Factor

Our 2017 5-year impact factor is 3.63. This is calculated by dividing the number of citations of all articles published from 2013 until 2017 (156) by the number of articles published in the same period (43). In total, J Mol Biochem has published 61 articles and has attained 239 citations.

Table 1: Number of references, articles and average impact per issue, for articles published between 2012 and 2017

  Volume & Issue   No of References   No of Articles   Average Impact 
 Volume 1 Issue 1 
 5  5  1.00
 Volume 1 Issue 2  52  6  8.67
 Volume 1 Issue 3  26  7  3.71
 Volume 2 Issue 1  52  6  8.67
 Volume 2 Issue 2  19  3  6.33
 Volume 2 Issue 3  10  3  3.33
 Volume 3 Issue 1  22  4  5.50
 Volume 3 Issue 2  12  3  4.00
 Volume 3 Issue 3  8  3  2.67
 Volume 4 Issue 1  4  2  2.00
 Volume 4 Issue 2  14  4  3.5
 Volume 4 Issue 3  6  3  2.00
 Volume 5 Issue 1  0  3  0.00
 Volume 5 Issue 2  6  4  1.5
 Volume 5 Issue 3  0  3  0
 Volume 6 Issue 1  3  2  1.5


Note of caution: Journal impact factors are affected/biased by variations between disciplines, item by item. The figures quoted here must be interpreted with caution. Only refereed journal article citations were used in the calculations. Interested persons should read the Thomson essay on impact factors to interpret the data.

Data Source: Google Scholar search for "Journal of Molecular Biochemistry"; exact wording and quotes must be used.

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